The world has been in the chaos of Corona Virus. It has affected the whole country in different field. Education field has been heavily affected due to this pandemic. There has been voices of alternative systems and questions of the functioning of the education system of many universities in the recent times. The whole country has suffered mentally and physically in this time. Many peoples has lost their jobs and even become homeless. Its hard to even fulfill daily needs . In this hard times, Engineering Colleges of different universities are still taking the full amount of fee where students hasn’t been able to use the College resources and facilities. In consequences, there has been conflict between the colleges and student.
Similar, Some Conflict has been seen in One of the Top private engineering college Kathford International College of Engineering & Management also. Few Students aren’t satisfied with the decision of the college management. So, Today 8/8/2021 A.D Few Students have gathered in colleges premises with Photocopy, Pamphlets, Sanitizer, Umbrella representing various faculty and year and demanding college with some fee discount, fine removal and more some demands against the college decisions during this pandemics. As they had planned all the things went in silence way without any violence’s activity.
Students are hopeful that not only Kathford all the private engineering college comes out with the solution for the problems of the students in a peaceful and formal way.

Also read: Silence Protest By Students of Sagarmatha Engineering College