A like a many professionals, the family of students are also hit hard by the pandemic. But despite students organizing protests and writing letters of complaints, most colleges and universities have ignored their demands regarding the fee Structure. The parent organization like IOE is also ignoring the complaints as the many officials of the IOE is directly connected with many private Colleges. Many students from different colleges are protesting against the college administration but the students are being beaten brutally by police or being ignored by the college administration.
Likewise the other colleges, students of Kathmandu Engineering College, Kalimati has also started to protest against the college administration. The demand of 30% fee relief. Many students of KEC has seems unsatisfied with the relief of 10% offered by college as KEC has the highest fee structure among the private Colleges of Tribhuvan University.
“I don’t understand where our money is going,” A student told. He added “The college is shut, classes are happening online, we don’t have access to any resources, and are paying for our internet. The college seems to be earning a profit during the pandemic.” As per the students of KEC ,they are really looking forward to plausible efforts for framing flexible alternative schemes in easy installments, having readjusted fees as the profitability in the income is a horrifying consequence of the pandemic.
Also read: Key Points of Interaction Program With IOE Administration organized by LOCUS, Pulchowk